Thursday, April 16, 2020

Are you Feeling Stress Homeschooling your Child who has ADHD?

Life during this pandemic has certainly changed what we do as parents in our day to day lives. Previously, we got up every day and spent a substantial amount of time getting ourselves dressed and getting our children dressed, fed, and ready for school. Now, in addition to doing all the things in the morning that you typically do, you are also expected to teach your child academics. How difficult is it to teach your child? It is extremely challenging. Why? Your child with ADHD undoubtedly has trouble concentrating and focusing in his classroom, nonetheless, is being taught by you in your home. What happens?

You begin to homeschool your child and then “poof!” his behavior escalates into hyperactive and/or inattentive behavior so that each and every minute seems to last for an hour. You certainly try to teach him, but that mountain of unfocused behavior interferes with your effort. Then your stress begins. You become stressed, frustrated, upset, and ready to give up. You begin to reprimand your child for behavior that he cannot control. Then, you feel guilty about yelling at him.

Please do not blame yourself endlessly and please do not stress yourselves out trying to do something that you are trying that is so hard to do. Even if you are a teacher, working with your child with ADHD is very challenging. You can only try your best. When you experience stress, it is counterproductive to your being able to successfully teach your child and probably gives you headaches, stomach aches, or worse. Additionally, if you get up each morning dreading to teach your child because it stresses you out, you will needlessly suffer and arguably, your child will not learn to his full capacity.

The only way to get through this difficult time of teaching the same academics to your child that is required according to your school district is NOT to have unrealistic expectations for yourself. Even people who are teachers themselves have a hard time teaching their child with ADHD.  The advantage that you have in consideration of the fact that you are teaching your child with ADHD is that you are in your home with devices that you can use to help your child to focus. So that being said, before you teach your child, have him do the following:

1.     Some form of exercise

2.     Take four deep breaths

3.     Put on some music that he likes and have him dance to the music

4.     Include him in making breakfast

The most important issue, however, is please do not expect yourself to be perfect. Any effort that you are doing is extraordinary. Please just keep your sense of humor and you and your child will remain calm and succeed in both of you learning!

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