Thursday, April 18, 2013

How do you Talk to your Child with ADHD about the Bombing in Boston?

It is vital to talk to your child with ADHD who is either of elementary school age or an adolescent as soon as possible about the bombing and terror in Boston. (I will address how to talk to younger children about the bombing of Boston tomorrow.)

Parents oftentimes think that they should wait until their child asks questions about sad or horrific events. That is not a good idea. Why? One never knows what the child with ADHD is thinking, and what are his anxieties and misperceptions.

Here are a list of steps to which you may adhere or modify in your discussions of the bombing of Boston with your child with ADHD:

1.     Ask your child what he thinks happened.

2.     Confirm and/or modify his perception of the events that occurred.

3.     If he is anxious about a similar horrific event happening to him.

a.      Ask him to delineate each and every fear/anxiety that he feels

b.     Systematically discuss each and every one of his fears

4.     Explain to him the low probability of that dreadful event happening where he lives. Also, explain to him that the adults with whom he interacts will make sure that he is safe.  

5.     Tell the child with ADHD the positive stories of those individuals who ran into danger protecting and helped the injured.

6.     Discuss what his family could and would do to help if they were in a similar situation, reiterating again, however, the rarity of this type of event happening to him.

7.     Talk about what positive steps he could take to help people to whom these events happened.

a.     He and his friends could raise money for a charity that is helping victims of the Boston bombing, such as or the Red Cross. Unfortunately, in 2013, we have to be aware of charities that are scams. Please talk to your child about this before he or his friends send any contributions.

b.     Those children can write and send condolence letter to the Red Cross who will send the letters to the family members who were injured in the Boston bombing.


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